Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thank you Mum & Dad
In the last couple of months Mum & Dad have been visiting for five days or so each month to help out with things around the farm. Mum has been helping with inside things such as ironing and cleaning and Dad has been helping with outside jobs I either can't do or never seem to get around to doing. On their last visit Dad put the shed door back on - it hadn't been up for the last few owners Dad thinks. He also set up a new gate for accessing the back of the shed. Now with both doors closed the end of the shed has a calm feeling because the wind doesn't whistle through and therefore my seedlings are more protected. Of course if there is ever an occasion, the sheep can now be closed in the back of the shed prior to shearing or if the weather is severe. On previous visits Dad has mended the chicken coop door, cleared areas of blackberry and helped with the continual tasks of mowing and collecting and chopping wood.
We've had quite a lot of rain in the last few days and the shed tank as well as the house tanks are full to overflowing. The dam still has a way to go though. I will wait until the mud settles before pumping up to the tank at the top of the hill.

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