Thursday, June 18, 2009

Erickson is no more
Last Friday morning (12/6) I came out to feed the chickens and found three lonely black chickens and Erickson in a pile of white feathers minus his head. He was a very brave rooster and had fought many battles, which is why I didn't lock them away every night, plus I hadn't seen any foxes lately, either alive or dead on the side of the road, so I thought it was okay to let them waltz in and out as they pleased - but obviously not. I locked them in over the weekend while I was away and then Tuesday night as well. Then, thinking the fox would give up and go elsewhere, plus I was tired and it was wet and dark, I neglected my duties again and lost another chicken. So now I only have two very lonely black chickens who will be closed in every night or else I will lose them too. Before I get any more chickens I will build a proper enclosure, so it will be safe to let them roam as they please, plus so I don't have to trudge out in the dark and sometimes rain to lock them up at night.

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