Saturday, August 02, 2008

Garden Plans
Mum & Dad have just gone home after visiting for a week. They wouldn't normally visit in July as it is too cold for them, but I went down to Sydney for four days including driving to attend a 40-Year Rotaract Reunion and asked them to be here for Steven. Then of course Dad proceeded to do the multitude of little fix-it jobs that needed to be done while Mum generally pampered me by cooking and washing up. I also took the week off work (mostly) and helped Dad, and also slept in when I could.
Earlier in the week I also sold our old 1991 Toyota Cressida for parts, which was disappointing but I am glad it is not my problem now and has gone to a good home. On Thursday Dad helped me select and measure some seconds wood from the Recycled Yard for the borders of my vegie garden. The photograph shows the wood propped up in the trailer ready for me to put them to use when I start weeding the old vegie garden next weekend.
Today I cleared a six foot diameter patch in the vegie garden area for a tank that will be delivered on Friday morning. The plan is to pump the water from the cement shed tank when it rains and store it in the new tank, before it has a chance to leak away. I will access this water via a tap and water the garden with either drip irrigation or the good old fashioned watering can (which I prefer as it is all part of slowing down). I have also included a photograph of the area that I cleared. I hope it is sufficiently cleared for installing the tank, which is going to stand on an earth ring instead of a stand. I will include a photograph when it is all finished next week.
Today we also moved the chicken coop to a new grassy area, and believe me the chickens appreciated the new area, running around pecking at the grass. I also have plans for a new chicken enclosure, but one thing at a time, I'll have to save up again following the tank and wood purchase, not to mention the fencing. By the way, the fencing hasn't started yet but will start next week, hopefully.

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