Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mended yet another hole and fence
Yesterday when the cows didn't come to the fence when I called and left lucerne, we went for a walk down to the far corner of the back paddock just to check they were all there and okay. And it was a good thing we did because we found a gaping hole in the gully fence again and another part of the fence was leaning at 45 degrees or more the other way. My neighbour had mentioned that my cows were in his place but thought they had pushed down the fence. I think the hole in the gully fence was probably the means of escape. So today Russell and I mended the hole in the gully and propped up the old fence with four star pickets and tied down the very old hinge joint. Dad and I mended one side of the gully a while ago, now I think (hope) it is fixed for good. Although I'm sure the cows will find yet another weak spot in the fence for me to fix another time. I have included some before and after photos (I forgot to take a photo of the leaning fence, we just launched into fixing it).

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