Sunday, December 17, 2006

Empty Dam
Yesterday I went out to check the cows and Star had broken through the fence into the paddock enclosing the dam. I opened the gate and shooed her back through. I promptly moved them to the next paddock, because Star was after the grass not the water (as you can see by the photo). Then I fixed all the tie wire that had been broken.
One of the cows had also pushed the new fence near the sheep yards to get to the grass in there and the wire had unravelled from the strainer ratchet. I have left that for Paul to fix.
So the cows are now supposed to be in the lower western paddock but the Murray Greys and Brownie have already pushed their way through the middle fence into the large eastern paddock. Yet another fence that has to be fixed.
On Friday I heard that someone was illegally pumping/stealing water from our neighbour's back dam! If our back gate didn't have a lock on it they would probably be pumping water from our back dam too. Because our front dam is now empty and we only have about 2-3 weeks (3 rungs) worth of water in the tank at the top of the hill, we will have to find a way of getting the water from the back dam up to the tank.

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