Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Fencing & Mended Fences
Some of my cows are pretty hard on fences. There were three stays that badly needed replacing, plus I had the fence near the first gate and the shed tank replaced, as I'm sure it wouldn't hold cows if the need arose, and I also had a new fence built at the top of the veggie garden so animals could eat the grass there without me using the ineffective netting. The work was started 5-7 October and the veggie fence finished on 21 October. This sort of came on because I wanted to keep some cows down the front to try and fatten them up and so that they recover from feeding two calves. When I bring them down again I will separate them into two groups keeping mums away from calves in an attempt to wean the younger calves born last Christmas. I have included photographs of each of the new stays. It is a very clever idea forming a triangle with two sides in steel. These stays won't be coming out. The funny thing is I haven't received an account for the work as yet, so I don't know how much it all cost yet. I imagine the stays weren't cheap but I have to wait and see. The fencing guy took a while to start the job, and it appears just as long to present the account. I am very happy with the work, though. Edit: I received the account today 17/11. $2,657.65! The fencer's hourly charge is more than three times my hourly rate at work! But it's done and I won't need fencing for a long time.

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