Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lambs 2010
I think that all the ewes that are going to lamb have lambed. The outcome is five healthy, strong lambs (3 girls and 2 boys). At the time of lambing I had 19 sheep, 15 girls. Of these 15 girls only 11 lambed and they had a total of 15 lambs including 4 sets of twins. Of these 10 died, either from being weak or from foxes. That isn't a very good lambing rate. I don't know whether this is due to very high fox numbers or that Bobby just isn't doing his job or that maybe he needs help. Who knows. I have included a table of our births and losses, more for my record than anything else. Also, now that Spotty-Ears has died (my second favourite, very sad) I only have 18 sheep in all (including Rambo, the ram, who I will have to sell pretty soon).
I guess that sums it all up. At shearing time we will mark, ring the tails and tag them and then they'll be part of my growing flock. So, I guess the next question is, which ones will be eaten?

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