Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Fence & Harry
I have included a photograph of the new fence. As I said I think it's wonderful. I got the fence guy back to have a look at the yards fence and he said it wasn't worth him building a new fence and gave me some instructions on how to fix it myself. However, I found out that he also makes cattle and sheep yards, so who knows down the track ...
So, today I restrained the top wire with a ratchet strainer and added five recycled star pickets from the old neighbours fence and attached the top wire and the top of the hingejoint. Tomorrow I will add another wire between the top wire and hingejoint and I think it will be secure enough for the sheep. I rang the butcher and confirmed that he is coming next Sunday. Two other local small farmers will also be bringing a few sheep for butchering too.
I have included a photograph of Harry. He is now two and a half months old and thriving on Brownie's jersey milk.


Me said...

Hi Linda

I hope you dont mind or think Ive been intruding into your privacy but Ive been following your blog for around a year now and I would like to tell you that I think your the most amazing woman. You have so much determination, stamina and devotion to your boys and your home.

Im sorry I never had the opportunity of meeting you but I guess circumstances didnt allow that. But I know that had you entered my life I would only have ever benefited just because you are the person you are...truly amazing.

I wish you every happiness in the world Linda, you deserve that and so much more.

Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine.

(Yes, THAT Deb)

Linda said...

Thank you Debbie. My blog is for everyone, so that friends and friends of friends can share the farm with us. Merry Christmas to you and your family too.